These are the cards I made during this week’s Facebook Live video. You can watch it on replay on Facebook (sorry – with my Internet issues this week I couldn’t get the video to download properly to put onto YouTube). When you go watch the video be aware that I have to step away for a bit in the middle to consult on the location of our new Internet connection box…you should be able to fast-foward through that to the action. Fingers crossed this new connection will make my Lives a more pleasant experience for everyone!
I go live on my Nancy’s Nifty Notes Facebook Page every Wednesday at 10:00 AET…you can check to see what time that is where you are on this website.

I don’t often buy the kits, but this one’s cute pet images captured my attention.

I think the kit offerings are a great option for those who want and all-inclusive crafting experience with a minimal investment in supplies or time.

The kits that include stamp sets (not all do) also give options for crafting once the kit’s consumables are used up.

I love how the envelopes coordinate with the cards, and have a space for stamping or adding the punch-out hearts.

The Kits Collection is available exclusively through the Online Store. The By Your Side kit is only available while supplies last, but there are new kits being added each month, so check back often!