It’s my Blog-iversary!

Yes, today is the 5th anniversary of my blog.  To celebrate, I’ve got pictures of my recent visit to Stampin’ Up!’s manufacturing facility in Kanab, UT.  Also, there’s some blog candy at the end of this post.
This rock sign is almost identical to the one found at the Home Office in Riverton, UT.  Unlike the time I visited there, I was alone at the Kanab facility (my family declined to accompany me) so I don’t have a picture of me with the rock.  
The front of the facility is quite inviting…very mountain-lodge feeling.  There is a 30th anniversary flag flying, as well as decals on the doors.  I’d love to get my hands on those flower decals!
The reception area has a lot of samples made from Stampin’ Up! products…though they are all several years old, LOL!
Unfortunately, I can’t show you any pictures of the manufacturing sections of the facility…I wasn’t allowed to take pictures there.  I did see the rubber “burning” process, where the rubber sheets are matched with the molds and heated in an oven/press to make 4 sets of stamps. The large sheets of rubber are then cut into rectangles, and then each set is die-cut.  The off-cuts of rubber are collected and shredded.  Look below to see how those shreds are used!  

I also saw the process for making the photopolymer stamps.  The stamp molds are a very large plastic sheet (maybe 5′ x 3.5′ to make 6-8 sets at a time?) laid on a table.  An arm sweeps over it to fill it with photopolymer “goo” (really – the technical term my guide used), then a mask is laid over it, and then a lid is closed and light is shined onto the goo.  Think a tanning bed for stamps!  Then they get washed in a separate machine, and more light curing before being cut.  

The day I was visiting there were 2 women working in the ink department filling ink bottles.  I had always envisioned a long, mechanized assembly line with hundreds of bottles of ink running through at a time.  In reality, there is a nice bit of automated machinery for filling a precise amount of ink, and for putting labels on, but bottles are hand-placed into the machines 2 at a time, and the nozzles and caps are put on by hand.  As it happened, ink pads weren’t being worked on while I was there.

I did get to see some cardstock being cut on a huge, machine-powered (but human-aligned) paper cutter…all of us would love to have that machine for class prep!  I also saw the automated paper counting/stacking line that makes our paper packs in operation.  

As I love both Stampin’ Up! and industrial tours of all kinds this was right up my alley!  I really enjoyed getting to meet several of the people who make our products, and to see the processes.  If you’re ever passing through southern Utah I encourage you to stop in and see if you can get a tour!  

Blog-iversary Blog Candy!

Comment on today’s post no later than Wednesday, May 23 and be entered in a drawing for a mystery box of retired goodies!  Stamps, ribbon, embellishments, Designer Series Paper…who knows what assortment of stamping yumminess will show up?

Retired Rubber Rummage Sale

Saturday, June 2
8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Nancy’s Craft Room in Scottsdale

Stamps, dies, ribbon, embellishments, cardstock, Designer Series Paper, ink pads/refills/markers and more!  Shop early for best selection.  Cash and credit card/debit cards only.


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