Meandering Meadows New Year’s Wishes Card

I was inspired by a card I saw on Facebook, but my final result has only a passing resemblance in the layout. It’s always a challenge to take something intriguing and adapt it to supplies on hand and have it turn out as something I’m willing to share. I’m about 85-90% happy with this result.

The initial concept was to use a die to cut windows into a piece of cardstock to show off a scene on DSP mounted behind. I’m happy with using this scrap of Meadering Meadows DSP.

I decided that it either needed to be a thinking of you/sympathy card or a New Year’s card, and given the time of year decided to go with the latter. Even though it never says, “Happy New Year” I hope that comes across in what it does say.

I’m going to let this window concept percolate a bit longer in my brain and see if I come up with something else down the track.

Here’s what I used for this version…everything can be purchased in my Online Store.


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