Last week I spent 4 days in Salt Lake City attending OnStage Live, Stampin’ Up!’s twice-a-year convention for demonstrators. We got a wonderful update on the company, which is doing great in all of its markets. Did you know that Stampin’ Up! does business in all these countries? USA, Canada, UK, France, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, New Zealand, Australia and Japan!
We also got a preview of the upcoming Occasions Catalog and Sale-A-Bration Brochure that go live on January 3, 2018. This catalog is chock-full of fun new products, and I’m excited to share them with you over the next few months. In the meantime, click on the button below to see all the photos I took of presentations and samples created by SU! staff and other demonstrators. There are also a few pictures of swap cards made with current products. These are quick-and-dirty snapshots of display cases, display boards, or the large screens in the Main Stage. I hope they will give you a feel for the new products, and that you will be able to zoom in to see more detail if you like.
Want to get in on the OnStage Fun?
- OnStage Local, a smaller, 1-day event, will take place
April 7, 2018 (see locations below). - OnStage Live 30th Anniversary Celebration will be in Orlando, FL,
November 7-11, 2018
To be eligible to attend you just need to join my team! You’re welcome to join anytime, but during the upcoming Sale-A-Bration will be an ideal time since you’ll get 2 FREE STAMP SETS in addition to the great deal on a starter kit ($125 of your choice of products for $99 and free shipping)! Get more details here, and let me know if you have any questions.