Yesterday I showed you the cards we made during OnStage@Home that were designed by the SU! concept artists. Here’s a variation on one of them that I made right after the stamping session.
Here it is with the one from yesterday:
I chose to simplify the focal image by eliminating the die-cuts. Instead I added some now-retired Cinnamon Cider enamel dots to the flower centres. I also stamped the same image multiple times on the Cinnamon Cider card base, which the SU! presenter said she’d intended to do on the one we made together, LOL!
I also tightened up the offset of the focal image and DSP layer and moved moved the sentiment to the other side…it just felt right to me.
Stampin’ Up! had recommended using Shimmery White cardstock for the stamping layers, which is what I did on the original. After stamping the image in Cinnamon Cider we used a Water Painter to blend out a bit of the colour in the centre of the flowers. I just grabbed some Basic White for my second card, and have noticed that the blending didn’t work quite as nicely on that paper…something to keep in mind the next time I want to use this technique.
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