Perennial Lavender Paper Busting Template #4 Cards

I recently discovered these “Paper Busting Templates” for all kinds of patterned paper and card base sizes. They are by and I’ve been having a blast playing with them. You can see other exaples by searching “paper busting templates” in the search bar on the right of this page.

I’ve focused on her 6×6 templates for A2 cards (which is the technical name for card bases made from ½ sheet of Letter cardstock – not related to the metric paper sizing system, just really confusing!). I’ve found that I have no problem putting her templates on our standard metric card base made from ½ sheet of A4 cardstock. Each template cuts the DSP to make 2 cards, and I chose to make them identical.

I really like these templates as a way to use up my stash of DSP. Gotta make room for the new ones!

Here’s what I used to make these cards…you can purchase everything in my Online Store.


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